For our out of town guests, I plan to order the boxes from along with the black and white lables.  My last name will begin with an M so that is how they would look - along with our date - October 7, 2011. 

I plan to fill the box with: Philadelphia brochures for local attractions, taxi card, map to the church and ceremony, addresses to local stores like a convenience  store and a Walmart, personalized water bottles, and snacks.

 [anchorgirl] I plan on buying funkins (fake pumpkins) and having them carved out with our monogram, date, and the love park symbol and maybe more designs that I haven't decided yet. I plan on having maybe four or so just as decoration. I would like to have one on each of the bars, where the food is, counter on the coat check and etc. My cousin is an artist so she will be carving them. I will be using a battery tea light candle that flickers to give the neat effect. 

 [brown_bride07] I plan on designing my aisle runner. 

[jewels2730] I love the idea of the seating chart inside of the place cards. I really like this design.  

 [mrm] I will be having a card box design. I want it to resemble a tier cake something like this. I already have a wedding trunk but I have decided against it because it doesn't have a lock. So instead I will use the trunk as  storage for my wedding memories.  I don't plan on keeping this card holder so ripping it open to get the cards out won't be a problem. I'm going to put weight in it when I'm making it so it won't be easy to pick up. In addition, I'm putting the envelope slot at the top so it won't jam. 

 This was suggested by irisheyezfsu on It's a great alternative to a guestbook (which is something I plan on NOT having). Guests choose a color for a fingerprint and place it on the tree. They will sign under or around their own fingerprint. I find it may be a bit messy, however; they say average fingerpaint can come off cleanly with a babywipe. This is a great idea and would make an awesome home decoration. Check out the link to the etsy seller: